A Quicker And More Private Resolution Of Your Family Law Issues
When the parties cannot agree on their issues but want to avoid the publicity of the courthouse, secure certainty with respect to the finality of their family matter, or want to save money litigating their family matter, arbitration with a private arbitrator can effectuate a quicker and more affordable – and private – resolution. Witnesses will know that they are not going to be waiting at the courthouse until they are called to testify, the parties will know that their trial will not be interrupted by other matters that a court may have to handle, and the costs more predictable. With the delays at the courthouse, arbitration may be what the parties need.
As an experienced family law litigator, Diane St. Yves would be amply qualified to arbitrator your case – whether it involves child custody, property division, or other family-law-related matters. If you are interested in learning more about the arbitration process, please call our office at 281-816-4258 or send us an email for more information.